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Urine…. Urine Trouble Dealing with urine contamination…. Pet damage

dateJune 21, 2021 author
dateReading Time: 4 minutes

So you think you can call a carpet cleaner and the odor and urine stains will be gone…? Nope… in fact cleaning your carpets will make the problem worse…have you tried this before? Understanding what your up against is the key to knowing how to over come this difficult problem. Let us start with the basic description of the problem. When your pet; dog, cat, bunny ferret or unruly room mate urinates in your home, especially on carpet or flooring, the urine load dries (fries) into a form of salt (salvine)… if you simply try to steam-clean or hot water extract, you will simply load the descant like urine salts with moisture that will evaporate and off gas organic vapours filling your indoor environment with the unpleasant odor of pee (urine)…. In fact, doing so will magnify the problem. The reason is because salts (urine salts) from urine contamination are hydrophilic (water attractive) certain indoor… Read More